This project was an urban masterplanning exercise in the centre of wellington, on Taranaki Street. 
Central to the site is an open green area consisting of trees, benches, and two giant chess boards. This space serves to meet the needs of the area by presenting a space which can both be transitional, but as a destination to spend time. Retail at ground floor in the buildings east and west of the central open space is the pulling factor to draw members of the public in. 
There are four big moves made through the site development: 
1.    To create a relationship between Taranaki Street and Ebor Street.
2.    To have pedestrian movement as the primary form of travel on the site. 
3.    Draw people in with retail and greenery. 
4.    Consistency of height among neighbouring buildings. 
These were accomplished through a range of interventions seen in the masterplan to the right, significant interventions include the decision to prevent vehicles onsite, limiting to only service vehicles. The heights of the development also respond to neighbouring buildings, getting gradually higher to one corner mimicking neighbouring blocks. 

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